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Club Facility Reservation FAQs


Frequently asked questions on the club facility reservation processes.

What is an E-Plan and when is it required?

An Event Plan (E-Plan) is the first step to hosting an event as a Recognized Student Organization (RSO). An E-Plan is a facility request form to request space for on-campus club meetings, booth space/tabling, and signage. Off-campus events and virtual meetings do not require an E-Plan.

What spaces can a RSO use on-campus and how do I check space availability?

RSOs can request multiple on-campus locations from lecture rooms to event venues and lawns. For a list of popular meeting and event locations, please visit Reservable On-Campus Locations. Members of the campus community are welcome to use 25Live to view location information and check availability during the planning process.

How do I reserve department managed space and receive department permission?

If the space you requested is a department-managed space, ASI Facility Scheduling will inform the event contact that department permission is needed. To gather necessary permission, please reach out to the department which oversees the space and collect approval via email. Once approval is received, please forward proof of permission to ASI Facility Scheduling who will then approve the space on your behalf.

What happens after I submit an E-Plan?

After submitting an E-Plan, an email will be sent to the RSO’s president and faculty advisor for approval. Once both the president and the faculty advisor approve the E-Plan, ASI Facility Scheduling will request the space on your behalf. Certain events require additional review, like Club Risk Assessment. Event contacts will be notified of any required actions in a tentative notice email. After all necessary approvals are obtained, the space requested is assigned and the event contact, president, and faculty advisor will receive a confirmation notice via email.

How long will it take for my E-Plan to get approved?

Depending on the space requested and event specifics, an E-Plan can take between 7 and 21 business days to be approved. For general meetings, information booths/tables, or signage, E-Plans require a three-day lead time. For general meetings including food, E-Plans require a 7-day lead time. For large events, outdoor venues, or events requiring staffing, requests require a 14-day lead time. For events that require staffing support in the University Union, Cal Poly Recreation Center, or Cal Poly Sports Complex, the request requires a 21-day timeline. Lead times cannot be overridden, no exceptions.

What event components require review and approval from Clubs and Organizations?

Create and submit an Event Request on Cal Poly Now. Clubs and Organizations will review the risks associated with the following:

For more information and to submit appropriate forms please visit Cal Poly Now Event Requests. Must be logged into Cal Poly Now to access.

Club Travel review is required for all club sports off-campus events outside of San Luis Obispo County.

Club Contract review is required when a club plans to enter into an agreement with a vendor or service provider.

For more information and to submit appropriate forms please visit Club Event Planning Resources.

What is my reference number and where can I find it?

Your reference number (2022-XXXXXX) can be found in the subject line or event details section of your tentative or confirmation notice email. Please include your reference number in all correspondence with ASI Facility Scheduling.

I can’t find my organization listed on the E-Plan, what do I do?

First, check to make sure your organization is active by searching it in Cal Poly Now. If you do not see your organization, your club may need to be re-registered. Please contact Clubs and Organizations for further assistance. If your club is active and listed in Cal Poly Now, please contact ASI Facility Scheduling.

How does a club receive the proper E-Plan approvals if my president/faculty advisor is not accurate or up to date on the E-Plan form?

The E-Plan pulls its information directly from Cal Poly Now. If the president/faculty advisor is not accurate on the E-Plan form, please first confirm the information is up-to-date for your organization in Cal Poly Now. If this information needs to be updated, please have your president submit an Organization Change Form. Must be logged into Cal Poly Now to access.

Can I schedule an event for a future quarter?

You may submit an E-Plan for future quarters at any time during the academic year, however, lecture spaces for future quarters will not be assigned until class schedules are published (approximately 5 weeks prior to the start of the quarter). Spaces that are not classrooms (Cal Poly Recreation Center, University Union, Cal Poly Sports Complex, Lawns, Plazas, PAC, etc.) can be requested and assigned anytime during the academic year.

I have reserved a table/booth space on Dexter Lawn, Mustang Way, or Via Carta. Will a table be provided?

The sponsoring RSO is responsible for providing their own tables/booth and chairs. The sponsoring organization is responsible for placing the board/table/booth in an area that is out of the walking path and removing the board/table/booth at the end of the reservation period. Tables are provided for booth/table reservations located in the University Union only.

Can ASI provide me with tables and chairs for my event?

ASI will provide tables and chairs if the event is in the University Union or Cal Poly Recreation Center.

If your event is scheduled in the Performing Arts Center, Spanos Theatre, University Union, or Cal Poly Recreation Center, you will be contacted prior to your event by a staff representative to discuss set-up needs.

Cal Poly Facilities offers supply rentals for trash, recycling, and green receptacles. For additional information on rentals in other facilities on-campus and a list of approved Cal Poly contracted vendors, please visit Facility Services.

What do I do if the classroom I reserved is locked?

During hours: please reach out to facilities at 805-756-5555 or the department that manages the space you reserved.

After hours (after 5 p.m. on weekends): Please contact University Police Department’s non-emergency number at 805-756-2281 to unlock the room and have your confirmation notice on hand.