Diffraction and Interference (Light)

Diffraction is the bending or spreading of light through an opening or around an obstacle.

Goethe "flexibility of light"

Why is it possible to hear around corners, but not see around them?

Diffraction of laser light through a vertical opening of decreasing width. Note that as the opening gets narrower, the amount of diffraction in the horizontal direction increases. (The interference fringes will be dealt with later in this section.) This image sequence is also available as an animated gif.
Single slit interference of a red laser through a small opening Single slit interference of a red laser through a small opening Single slit interference of a red laser through a small opening
Single slit interference of a red laser through a small opening Single slit interference of a red laser through a small opening Single slit interference of a red laser through a small opening

double source interference

Double source interference. The sources are closer together in the image on the right. Do not click on the animations if you have photosensitive epilepsy or a similar condition.
animate at your own risk animate at your own risk

Double source interference. Laser light through two closely spaced slits.

single source interference (self interference)

Single source interference. Laser light through a narrow opening.

Interference fringes of red laser light through a vertical slit

multiple source interference (diffraction grating)

Multiple source interference. Laser light through a diffraction grating.

Widely spaced interference fringes of red laser light through a diffraction grating


continuous vs. discrete

Continuous: temperature from Wien's Displacement Law

A strip of colors with no breaks

The continuous spectrum of daylight. Note the absence of any noticeable gaps.

Discrete: "bar codes" of the elements

Vertical colored lines separated by black. These line are wider than the previous two.

The discrete spectrum of a fluorescent light. These spectral lines are wider since they came from a wider source.

Quotes that need to be paraphrased.

Diffraction and Interference (Light)

No condition is permanent.