Housing FAQ

Visit the Our Homes page to see a list of our properties . Click the “Request Info” button under a property to be taken to the Quantum Residential (our property management company) webpage for that property.

On the property webpage, look for and click the “Contact Us” link. Complete the contact form with a request for an application and Quantum will send you the application for that property.

Do you offer rental assistance?

We do not provide direct rental assistance. 211 Info may be able to suggest organizations that do, and we list a few organizations that may provide rental assistance on our Community Resources page. ROSE offers affordable rental housing in the outer Southeast Portland area.

Do you accept Section 8?

Yes! If you already have a Section 8 Housing Choice voucher, you can certainly use it at a ROSE property if one is available. Income source is a protected class in Oregon, so you are welcome to take your Section 8 voucher to any Oregon landlord.

Do you have subsidized housing? Do your rents go by income? Do you offer Section 8?

How much are your rents?

All of our affordable housing units follow federal affordability guidelines. This means that rents vary from unit to unit depending on what percentage of Median Family Income the unit is designated for, as well as the unit size.

If you review the Portland Housing Bureau income and rent limits document at the link above, you can see what the maximum possible rents we can charge for each type of unit. The actual rent may be lower due to factors like utility allowances. Most of our units are between 30% and 50%, but some go as high as 100%. The managers are able to give more specific rents for their properties.

How do you qualify for your housing? Does my income qualify for your housing?

All of our affordable housing units follow federal affordability guidelines. This means each unit is designated for a particular income level (as a percentage of the current area median income). The designated income level is the maximum income allowed for that unit. If you make at or below that percentage, your income qualifies for the unit.

The mix of income levels at each property varies. Most of our units are between 30% and 50%, but some go as high as 100%. Please contact the corresponding property manager to confirm the types of units available at their properties.

For our minimum income criteria, we generally require 1.5 times the rent of the unit. Please contact the corresponding property manager to confirm the rules for a specific unit.

You can review screening criteria listed in the application materials. Screening materials will go over the process for when an apartment become available, rental history, background checks, and more.

Do you charge an application fee?

We do not charge an application fee to submit an application and get on a waiting list. However, there is a screening fee of $45 per adult that is charged when the screening process begins for a specific available unit.

I have some negative history on my record (criminal conviction, eviction, bad credit, etc), do I still qualify for your housing?

When a unit becomes available, we will screen applicants using our screening criteria. You are welcome to review the criteria before deciding whether to apply. You are encouraged to disclose any negative information that may be discovered in the screening process. Negative history that is not revealed on the application form can harm your application if it appears you are attempting to conceal information. You will have the chance to appeal anything that may come up during the screening process.

I need immediate/temporary housing/I have to move in X days

We do not offer emergency housing. You are welcome to apply for any of our open waitlists or vacancies. You can call or search online with 211 Info for emergency housing options.

Do you accept pets?

All of our properties have a no-pets policy. However, there are exceptions for documented companion/service animals.

Do you have Single Family Homes?

We have a small number of three and four bedroom single family homes. Learn more here.

I applied for your housing in the past. Am I still on the list? What’s my status?

Our waitlists are all managed by the onsite property managers. Please contact the corresponding property manager to check your application/waitlist status. Old applications are cleared from the waitlist every six months if the manager is unable to contact the applicant. Please keep the property manager updated if you change your phone number or other contact info.

Where can I find other resources?

You can also check out our Community Resources page for links to organizations that provide rental housing, homeownership opportunities, healthcare, and more.

What are the minimum/maximum occupancy requirements for units?

While the rules for individual units may vary depending on funding sources and other regulations, typically the minimum occupancy is one person per bedroom and the maximum is two people per bedroom plus one. Please contact the corresponding property manager for specifics on a particular unit.

I have an accessibility concern (I need a ground floor unit, wheelchair access, etc)

Please note on your application if you have specific accessibility needs. You are also welcome to inquire with the property manager about the amenities available at each property.

Do you have any homeownership opportunities?

Unfortunately, we do not currently have any homeownership programs. However, you can find organizations with homeownership opportunities on 211 Info or on our Community Resources page.

I have a Fair Housing complaint

If you have a Fair Housing complaint about ROSE or another organization or landlord, you can contact the Fair Housing Council hotline at (503) 223-8197 Ext. 2 or toll free at (800) 424-3247. You can also contact the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at (800) 877-0246.

For more information about fair housing complaints and housing rights you can also contact:

What portion of utilities do I have to pay as a ROSE resident?

Most (but not all) units only require the tenant to pay for electricity (water and garbage are covered by the property). However, be sure to confirm with the property manager.

How long are your lease terms?

We start with a 1-year lease, which converts to month-to-month afterwards.

More Questions?

If your questions were not answered above, please contact our property management company (Quantum Residential) at 360-696-9000.